Learn more about events in support of Huntington Society of Canada (HSC) across the country, as well as tips and tricks for your event!

February 14, 2017

For the Love of Event Ideas

Love is in the air and there is nothing we love more than helping our volunteers plan and execute successful fundraising events. We understand, though, that it can be hard sometimes to come up with event ideas! So we've compiled a list of some event ideas we have found successful, just to get the ball rolling.

A Benefit Concert

Holding a benefit concert in your area is a great way to get a large crowd out to support you. This type of event is mutually beneficial for the cause and the band involved. You get a larger audience of people who like the band but do not know about HD, and the band gets a larger audience of people who want to the support the HD fundraiser but do not know the band. Adding a silent auction or a dinner will also increase your attendance even more. In no time you will be rocking your way to a successful fundraiser.

Seasonal Activities

Whether it is celebrating the return of spring, the warm days of summer, the colours of fall or the first winter snowfall, seasonal activities are events that everyone can relate to! Plan a gardening fundraiser in the spring, an outdoor funfair in the summer, a craft show in the fall or a sledding event in the winter. Whichever season you pick, the event should celebrate the weather in some way and you should offer seasonal goodies for attendees to enjoy. Everyone can get on board with celebrating the seasons, and you can raise money for HD in the process.

Information Session

Invite a guest speaker from your community to talk about HD-relevant topics and hold an information session. Individuals who are affected by HD will attend to learn about new research, best care practices and new therapies, while people from outside the HD community will have an opportunity to learn more about what HD is. Offer snacks, a question and answer period and charge an admission fee to raise funds.

May Awareness

All of May is HD Awareness Month. Most notably, this is the month that we try to #LightItUp4HD each and every day. The Light It Up campaign's purpose is to have monuments all over the world light up either purple or blue to raise awareness for Huntington disease and Juvenile Huntington disease. Communities also organize flag raisings and other awareness events. You can always plan your own May event and include a fundraising portion such as a BBQ, street fair, walk, etc. to raise funds as well as awareness.

Event ideas can range from silly to serious, small to large and easy to difficult, but there are several of them out there. This is only a short list of potential ideas that have proven successful in the past. If you would like to create one of these events or for more event ideas, contact events@huntingtonsociety.ca.

February 06, 2017

Tip Tuesday: Create a Facebook Event

Social media has become one of the best methods for event promotion in today's digital world. People are constantly checking their social networks, sharing information with their friends and looking for new, interesting content. When someone sees an event page on Facebook, they can reserve their attendance as "interested" or "going" and share the event with their friends. Wouldn't it be exciting for it to be your event that they are sharing? Here are 5 simple steps to creating your own Facebook event.

Step 1:
Go to your main home page on Facebook by signing in using your log in information. On the left hand side of your home page, you will see a menu with various options. Under the explore section, click on "events".

On the new screen, click "create event".

Here, you will be able to choose whether you would like your event private or public. For the purpose of getting people to share and talk about your event, you would want to choose "public".

Step 2:
In the new pop up screen that appears, you still have the opportunity to change the event from public to private if you change your mind. Where it says "event host", ensure that this is the Chapter Facebook Page if you have one. Otherwise you may leave it as yourself as the organizer. In this new pop up screen you will also need to input basic event details. Choose an event photo to represent the event, add a name to the event, include the location, start and end time and event details. The description of the event is one of the most important parts to possible attendees. This is how they decide if they want to attend that event. Choose up to three keywords that describe your event so that Facebook can recommend the event to people interested in those keywords. Next, decide who can edit or post in your event. Depending on the event, it may be wise to make a host approve the posts from others.

Step 3:
Create your event! If you do not want to post it yet because you are waiting for certain details or want someone to proofread it, you can save the event as a draft. If you would prefer your event to be created at a later date because maybe it is a Saturday that you are filling this out, but you do not want the event to go live until Monday, you can schedule the event creation for a future date and time.

Step 4:
Edit your event page. When you choose "create" it will automatically take you to your new event page. From this page you can write a post, add a photo/video or create a poll for event followers to see.

You can also edit your page, share the event page with your friends or boost the event. Boosting the event means creating a Facebook advertisement and this costs money.

This page will also show you the interest and tentative attendance for your event.

Facebook will also give you some event tips to better promote your event.

Step 5:
Enjoy your new hub for all things related to your event. Encourage people to share the event on their own accounts so the page reaches even more possible attendees. Make sure you monitor this page and answer any questions people may have.

In the world of technology, it is increasingly more easy to reach large audiences with event information. By creating an event page, you are creating a space where people can refer to for more information, questions and the option to share the event with their friends.

If you have more questions about creating a Facebook Event Page contact events@huntingtonsociety.ca.